R3 Electric strike memory version 24V - basic version

Special order product.


The R3 Electric Strike is designed for remote opening of left, right (if construction of door frame allows it), and double-wing doors and gates. It is designed to be installed within a doorframe, in which it is possible to make a 23x29x91 mm mounting hole (draw on the right).
The lock was made smaller, to the dimensions as indicated, by using a leverage system, thanks to which most doorframes can accommodate our locks.

The R3 Electric Strike can work together with home interphone installation in all types of an entrance door. It is made of rust proof zinc alloys. It can be installed externally, provided that it is protected against flooding, against hostile weather impacts, and against being covered with paint. Additional plate is required for mounting.

Electric strike version

Memory version - the memory function makes it possible to open the door without the use of a key. When the electrical pulse is released using the Uniphone button, the lock "memorises" it, which means that it unblocks the ratchet until the door is open. When the door gets closed, the memory is cleared, and the lock returns to its original status.
This function can be used:
- when the user wants to leave the room without using the key or the knob;
- when the user has several doors to go through, he or she can unblock them all with a single, short electric pulse;
- when the entry procedure is prolonged.

NOTE: If the door is not opened, the ratchet (and thus the door itself) will also remain in its unblocked status.

When working, the lock gives out a low, humming noise.


Basic technical data

external housing dimensions:20 x 28,5 x 90 mm
weight:0,20 kg
allowable thrust on the door at ratchet release:30N (3 kG)
allowable load of the door impacting the lock:3000 N (300 kG)
rated voltage U:24 ± 2V
allowable uninterrupted operation time:30 min.
ratchet:adjustabele within the range of 3 mm, which allows for door clearance adjustment

Current consumption

Voltage U 22V 24V 26V 22V 24V 26V
Electric strike version Alternating Current (AC) [mA] Direct Current (DC) [mA]
R3-24.30L 105 115 125 105 115 125

Determining left- and right-hand doors

The door should be determined from the side of hinges are visible.


R3 Electric strikes meet the essential requirements of the EMC Directive 2004/108/WE.

Product code: R3-24.30L

Basic dImensions and photo


  • net price: 62.68 PLN
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