
We do our best to make our products meet all the accepted norms and requirements. The quality of our products is certified.

We are certified for the following products:
- CW-1 Pull Cord Switch

In addition, since September 2005, the company "Elektra Plus" can present certificate according to PN-EN ISO 9001:2009.

Elektra Plus - Maciej Połczyński

ul. Grudzieniec 66
60 -601 Poznań

NIP: 781-170-30-41
konto bankowe: 39 1090 1346 0000 0001 0855 0553

tel/fax: (+48 61) 84-84-178 (Biuro Obsługi Klienta)
tel: (+48 61) 84-84-177 (Dział Techniczny)

e-mail: biuro@elektraplus.net
internet: www.elektraplus.net